How To Help Your Child Succeed In Online High School

Education & Development Blog

Attending online high school can be the best choice for some kids. It allows them to complete work and attend classes on a more flexible schedule. It also minimizes interactions with other people, which can be important for kids with certain health problems and predispositions. However, online learning can also make it harder for kids to stay focused and develop social skills. There are a few ways that you, as a parent, can help make up for these challenges and help your child succeed in online high school.

1. Talk to them about their coursework

One challenge of attending school online is that students don't have many people to discuss their coursework with. They can't get together with their buddies at lunchtime and chat about what was on the math test or what the English teacher said that day. Talking about coursework in this way is really important to help students note any frustrations, figure out what they're struggling to understand, and simply integrate what they are learning into their everyday life. Try to take time each day to talk to your child about their coursework. Let them vent, ask them clarifying questions, and offer feedback when you can.

2. Help them stick to a schedule

You might figure that keeping themselves on schedule and remembering to attend classes is your child's responsibility. In some respects, this is true. However, if your child were attending high school in person, they would not have so much responsibility in this regard. So, it's ideal if you can help them a bit. Remind them when they are supposed to be in class. Don't plan other activities when you know they should be studying.

3. Encourage extracurricular activities

Since your child won't be interacting in person with other kids in online high school, it's a good idea to get them into some other extracurricular activities. This could be everything from karate lessons to a board game club. Try to recommend activities that will connect them with other kids their own age who share their interests. When your child is getting good social interaction and support outside of high school, they'll be better able to focus on their schoolwork and classes. Spending time behind the computer is easier when you're not spending all your time behind the computer.

Online high school can be a good way to learn, but you may need to help your child be vigilant and stay focused. Keep the tips above in mind.


26 July 2021

Educating Kids Through Each Developmental Stage

Hello, my name is Marty. Welcome. I am here to talk to you about the various ways to approach education throughout the developmental years. Children learn differently at each stage of their life. Younger kids can often only learn with hands on projects while older kids respond favorably to discussions. Learning styles often differ from kid to kid as well. My site will explore all of the different ways educators can approach curriculum development and classroom activities. Please come by my site on a regular basis to learn about this important topic. Thank you for coming to visit my site.